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About PSC 🎱🦈
Hi, I'm Dan from Perth, Western Australia. I've had my hand on the table since I was about 8 (over 35 years). We had a table at home growing up, so I naturally played quite a lot. In my late teens, I took things more seriously after winning a high school competition.

In my 20s I played snooker and 8-
ball and spent countless hours at the club doing solo practice. I love the solidarity of myself and the table with no interruptions. I've played in leagues and tournaments like most players, and, like most players, I have suffered the frustration of the game. It's a tough cruel game sometimes, we've all been there.

My frustration led me to question everything from my technique to psychology. I've read books and scoured the internet looking for answers. I've had coaches help me with my game, one in particular, Nic Barrow from the UK an ex pro snooker player. Awesome guy and I still reach out to him for some direction and a good chat. I also helped him implement a mechanism whereby he can deliver training to his students - which I will be using to deliver training to my students.

I've always loved helping people, I believe it was my calling. I run a private gym here in Perth with my brother Paul where we have been helping our clients for over a decade become the best version of themselves. 

I am now combining my experience delivering health & fitness coaching with my passion for cue sports to bring you an 8-ball coaching service leveled up, unseen before, until now.

Wherever you are in the world, I can help you. The online coaching platform and delivery will ensure you get the support you need to help you progress your game. More info on the coaching service you will find in the top menu. Click it and have a read.

Welcome to Pool Shark Coachi
ng, I look forward to helping you unleash your inner shark!

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